Benefits of San Antonio Jaguar Club and JCNA Membership include:

  1. Bi-monthly local club newsletter, with guide to local club events and Jaguar related happenings.

  2. Bi-monthly national magazine, Jaguar Journal, with technical articles, history, features, club doings, etc.

  3. Five (5%) percent discount on collector automobile insurance with Hagerty Insurance.

  4. A common communications network for intra-club, and inter-club, events in the nation and in this region.

  5. A local club website with information on club events with links to current and past newsletters and meeting minutes, and club regalia availability.

  6. North American and Regional hosted events.

  7. Score keeping for Concours, Slalom, and Rally.

  8. Jaguar Land Rover New car purchase discount program.

  9. A trophy awards program for Concours, Rally, Slalom, Club Newsletter, Social Media, and Club websites with annual awards in several categories.

  10. Large selection of books and gifts available at Club member discounts on as good a selection of Jaguar cars and people related books as you will find.

  11. Historical and technical information library access.

  12. North American inter-club events and networking.

  13. Access to Coventry Foundation JAGUAR TOOL LENDING PROGRM for special tools needed for certain tasks.

  14. Authenticity Services for members through the Coventry Foundation.

  15. JCNA Tech Hot Line is just a phone call away.

  16. Classified ads in Jaguar Journal and the JCNA website available to members.